Overview of the Modules
Owing to their importance for the advisory process, two of a total of 20 modules are deemed essential, making their attendance compulsory. A further three elective modules from the overall program are to be selected and completed. Of the five modules required to earn the certificate, at least one compulsory and one elective module must be completed in attendance.
Compulsory Modules
Module 1: Personal Development / My Profile as a Consultant (possible online)
Module 2: Communication and Building Relationships in Advisory Work
Elective Modules (min. of 3 modules ac-cording to individual choice)
Module 3: Teamwork and Team Leadership (possible online)
Module 4: Rhetoric / Presentation
Module 5: Self-Management and Time Management (possible online)
Module 6: Project Management (possible online)
Module 7: Shaping Advisory Processes
Module 8: Change Management
Module 9: Moderation and Facilitation
Module 10: Marketing of advisory services (possible online)
Module 11: Event Management (possible online)
Module 12: Advising and Supporting Groups
Module 13: Basics of Mediation
Module 14: Advising and Supporting Enterprises in Strategic Issues (possible online)
Module 15: Introduction to Coaching
Module 16: Shaping Innovation Processes – Supporting networks
Module 17: Basics of Participation
Module 18: Individual Company Consulting Online
Module 19: Working with Groups Online
Module 20: Reflection and further development of own consulting practice (intervision and practical consulting)
Each module consists of at least 12 hours of physical presence (approx. 2 days) as well as additional selfstudy (literature review, own in-depth studies) and the application of the relevant topic in day-to-day advisory work with a minimum time investment of 18 hours.
In our module descriptions you can find more information about the modules.
Module Providers (EUFRAS)
European Forum for Agricultural and Rural Advisory Services (EUFRAS) | LV | Ozolnieki | Webseite cecra.eufras@llkc.lv |
TEAGASC – the Irish Agriculture and Food Development Authority | IE | Carlow | Webseite george.ramsbottom@teagasc.ie |
Latvian Rural Advisory and Training Centre | LV | Ozolnieki | Webseite andis.kursitis@llkc.lv |
University of Santiago de Compostela | E | Lugo | Webseite florentino.diaz@usc.es |
Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry of Slovenia | SI | Ljubljana | Webseite igor.hrovatic@kgzs.si |
Agricultural University of Athens | GR | Athen | Webseite eleniz72@yahoo.gr |
Institute for Science Application in Agriculture | CS | Webseite sstankovic@ipn.bg.ac.rs |
Module Providers (German speaking)
AGRIDEA | SUI | Lindau | Webseite cecra@agridea.ch |
Staatliche Führungsakademie für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten (FÜAK) | GER | Landshut | Webseite jens.nebe@fueak.bayern.de |
Hochschule für Agrar- und Umweltpädagogik | AUT | Wien | Webseite liane.kaipel@haup.ac.at |
Landesanstalt für Entwicklung der Landwirtschaft und der ländlichen Räume (LEL) | GER | Schwäbisch Gmünd | Webseite cecra@lel.bwl.de |
Landesbetrieb Landwirtschaft Hessen – Bildungsseminar Rauischholzhausen (LLH) | GER | Ebsdorfergrund | Webseite cecra@llh.hessen.de |
entra people systems GmbH | GER | Winnweiler | Webseite info@entra.de |
Doppelspitzencoaching | GER | Wetzlar | Webseite helmut.ellerbrok@doppelspitzenchoaching.de |
Andreas Hermes Akademie (AHA) | GER | Bonn | Webseite m.foerster@andreas-hermes-akademie.de |